How to become pretty with no make up ?
Every girls think that make up is the only solution to become pretty but its false thinking cause there is other natural way can make every girl look like princess and help her to save her beauty for long time not like make up wish use a lot of chemical stuff that could destroy the beauty in short time,so there is natural with emotional step you need to do to feel or to become pretty:
1- Warm water with lemon: Swap a cup of tea or coffee morning cup of warm water with a slice of lemon, it helps to purify the body of toxins and reduces the sensitivity of the skin, and also works to hydrate the body and give it freshness.
2_Vinegar:According vinegar in hair softness and shine and get rid of dandruff my little vinegar during the wash your hair as useful in Beauty leg to get rid of blue veins massage by the veins in the morning and evening for a month ,eat with every meal a teaspoon in a cup of water.
3_- The use of shampoos for hair: Use a shampoo to wash hair every day or once every three days to ensure you get the hair healthy and clean, especially for oily hair.
4_Apricot:Fruit is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, which feeds the hair and prevents hair loss.
and most of everything every women must believe that she is beautiful no matter what they say and the what is important is the inside beauty not the outside.
Author Anouer.
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